Our current service times are:
Sunday first service 9:00 - 10:00 am
Sunday School 10:10 - 10:50 am
Sunday second service 11:00 - Noon
Kids Church is during second service only
Welcome. We’re so glad that you're here! If you don't currently have a church home we would love to have you join us.
We are committed to fulfilling a threefold mission.
Our primary reason for being is:
To Exalt
To Exalt Jesus as the risen Son of God, the only one who can forgive sin and offer eternal hope for sinful man. To provide a place where we may worship God freely.
To Encourage
To Encourage every member of God's family by allowing the Holy Spirit to use us in the spiritual gifts. To build a body of believers being perfected in the image of His Son and transforming the whole person.